Saturday, September 13, 2008

The truth about Malaysian Newspapers.

Everyone thinks that newspapers are just another propaganda tool used by the govt.
Indeed, this has been and still is the case since Ops Lalang I.
But how many of us actually have thought about the chief editors of these newspapers.
Can we just say that they share the same views as the govt??
Apparently not.
For privacy and security reasons, my following sentences will only give a brief description of my personal experience regarding this matter.

I have a friend whose dad and mum works as high ranked executives for one of the top newspapers in the country. After a quick chat with them, i realized that they too, like many other Malaysians, have very negative views towards the govt. In fact, the positions they hold has allowed them to discover many dirty ploys and stories regarding the govt.

This story invites the readers to draw their own conclusions.

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