Friday, September 12, 2008


The govt has embarked in a massive crack down against anyone deemed detrimental towards the ruling coalitions survival.
1st, comes the arrest of Raja Petra- editor of the controversial website Malaysia Today.
The next event can only be described as absurd as relieving one's self on the bed intentionally- The arrest of Sin Chiew daily reporter- for reporting the racist remarks made by Ahmad.
People of Malaysia, lets pray that God will protect our country; Lets also pray that God may forgive those that have sinned against him, and bring them towards salvation.

Note: the arrest of Sin Chiew daily reporter seems to be a masterminded move by the govt. I could forsee that the arrest of the said person under current circumstances, would very obviously have the potential to spark of racial riots, if not- increase racial tensions.
Let us not be so foolish to look at this as a race issue. Afterall, this is what the govt wants. These are times where Malaysians must stay united, as the old saying goes, divided we fall, united we stand.

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