Monday, May 19, 2008

Yup..he does it again!!

What a coincidence, my last article just so happened to talk about this person we call Mahatir.
SO what did he do this time??
Well... he left UMNO.
You might ask:' so what?? isn't that old men sotta irrelevant??'
Well you're probably right. It was not really the fact that he left UMNO which has garnered my attention. Its the reason why he left!

And i quote :
'Oleh kerana Dato Seri Abdullah buta mata dan pekak telinga dan tidak faham mesej ahli BN, oleh kerana ahli UMNO pun turut bersama, oleh kerana proses demokrasi tidak berjalan, oleh kerana UMNO yang ada sekarang bukan lagi UMNO yang ditubuhkan 62 tahun dahulu, saya berpendapat penyertaan saya sebagai ahli UMNO tidak bermakna dan tidak berguna lagi.

Justeru itu saya ingin umumkan bahawa saya sudah keluar daripada UMNO.'(Mahatir)

Erm Mr Tun sir... weren't you the one that created all this policies that encouraged undemocratic practices? Weren't you the one that allowed dictatorship to flourish?? What you are experiencing now is the taste of your own medicine sir. If you want me to list out what you have done one by one, i am much obliged to do it.

1.Muzzling the media by creating this printing permit nonsense
-so that only the views of the top men and his cronies are accepted and published
result- your views are not published now because you are no longer the top men ^^

2.Creating a quota system in UMNO elections
to allow a selected few to contest for UMNO top posts only
result- nobody dares to openly challenge the leader for fear of dismissal, which explains why nobody openly voices their support for you. ^^

3.Encouraging nepotism
-Allowing your son to benefit from your position as the PM of malaysia (don't forget Sir your son has his fair share of scandals too)
result- Khairy thought he could do the same too.^^

So Mahatir, the person(Abdullah Badawi) you describe as pekak and dumb is actually very much like you, just that he now does what he wants..not what you want.^^

Moral lesson: Do not do to others what you do not want to be done to you.

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