Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Malaysia's Achievements

After 50 years of independence, its time to reflect on our amazing achievements.

Lets cut the poo poo and begin.

1.Sending an angkasawan to space...(pause)...(and a very big pause)...
Courtesy of Russia after Malaysia spent a few billions on buying their fighter jets.
2.Building petronas twin towers.
Courtesy of a few billions of tax payers money and 2 American companies for building it.
3.Building putrajaya
Courtesy of petronas money, (11.8billion) to build a city which supports a 50,000 population only. This works out to RM236k spent on a person-(civil servant)!!
-This money could have been used to wipe out poverty in malaysia.
4.Creating the longest and biggest popiah, kuih-kuih in the world.

Yes, this are our great achievements after half a century of development.
Other achievements such as having prestigious universities, a respectable judiciary have long been destroyed. (UM used to be top 50 in the world, now its not even in the top 300 list.)

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