Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Rich, the not so rich and the poor

Series 2: Life Style
Part 1

Have you ever wondered what are the differences between the orang kaya, middle class and orang miskin??
Apparently...its alot, particularly in our 'beloved' country Malaysia.

So you might wonder.. how much salary does it take to be qualified as a middle class citizen?? This question might be relevant to most people , considering the fact that you are reading my blog, which means you have some sort of internet connection at home, therefore access to civilization.

A Middle class citizen is generally described as someone who is able to afford basic needs in life such as groceries, a house,a car bla bla bla.. Generally, we all fall into this category, even though some of us think that we are poor, and some of us think we are rich. *The combined income of most middle class families are around the rm2500-rm40,000 range. Before you think:"WHOAH!! RM40000 is alot men", its still not enough to live a luxurious and wreckless lifestyle..And thats reality. Because you see, when you jump from the middle class wagon to the rich wagon, you must be able to afford a rm20,000 designer chair without thinking twice.

Moving on to the rich.
So how would you define a rich person?? Simple.. people who have too much money to spend in one life time. This group of people earn a whopping monthly income of between Rm80,000-rm1,500,000. Lets not talk about the ultra rich...shall we?

Despite their envious incomes, how is it possible not to be envious of these people??
Its actually pretty simple. The fact is, the only possible way of earning such huge amounts of $$ in Malaysia is either through corrupt practices or owning businesses. Lets be honest here, not many businessmen turn out to be successful. Those that have found success, they are indeed a rare and deserving breed .
Therefore, it is safe to assume that most rich people in Malaysia have obtained wealth through 'back door' methods. Lets just put it this way, a senior banker is only paid around rm13,000 a month. Have you ever wondered why most of them are driving a rm900,000 Mercedes s class?? With a Rm13,ooo income, they need to obtain a 9 year loan and pay 80% of their income towards the loan for 9 years.

So the next time you become envious of a rich person, think twice. Be thankful that your family has the means to live on the next day, and most of all, be thankful that your family earns a honest living. Anyway, lets not forget about the poor who cant even afford to buy a decent meal. Just think, when was the last time your parents bought a packet of instant noodles to be shared out among family members for dinner??


jeffjeffpika said...

I have a course mate whose parents bought a Mercedes without thinking twice, and another one buying a RM4000 rock (actually, a ring) for her birthday present. So, are these two considered rich?

Gerard said...

no the 1st person is not because ...erm...erm..well because he's just not... the second person is ultra rich though...
On the contrary, there is a third guy in my class who claims to be poor but has 4 times more pocket money in a month then me, and if im not wrong, thts the part tht counts

*peace out*